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Which IT Coding Career Suits You After Your BCS Degree
The scope of BCS is far better than many other degrees, and there are so many coding careers in IT that it is difficult to choose one that suits you. After reading this article, I hope you will know which career you should choose for a secure future. Some major IT careers in coding:
- Website development career
- Software development career
- Android application development career
- Game development career
- Database development career
Website Development Career:
A fine career for IT students is website development; website development is a career that can make you rich in months. Before learning or choosing this career, you must have an interest in coding. It’s okay if you are not initially interested in programming languages; when you start learning website development, you will begin with structuring and styling (HTML and CSS). A great thing about HTML and CSS is that they are easy to learn for everyone. If you do not have any idea about the field you want to learn about, you will get an excellent start in this field. Generally, when a person starts something, it causes many issues at the start, but web development is very easy to learn. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP are some of the basics of web development. You will work in these technologies when you choose a career in website development.Software Development Careers:
Being a software developer does not mean being a software engineer. This is also a very wide field of coding that you can choose for your career; in this field, you will develop desktop application software for computers. If you are interested in programming languages such as Java, C#, C++, etc., then you can go into the software development field. To become a professional software developer, you should have strong knowledge of coding, which includes code structures, database knowledge, algorithms, and data structures. A good understanding of programming languages and operating systems is also very important for software development. For developing software, knowledge about a programming language is the most important thing; without this, you cannot make software. You should also have some knowledge about testing and debugging the code. Logical thinking and problem-solving skills also play an important role in software development because a small mistake can cause a large problem.Android Application Development Career:
There is a wide field for IT students that you can choose for your bright career, but the requirements for this technology are slightly higher than web development. The first and a very major requirement is the specification of your system (laptop, computer, etc.). Yes, your system must be powerful enough to run Android application development software. It should have at least an i5 processor and 8GB of RAM. There are not too many resources available to learn Android application development. App developers also learn some web development technologies like backends, APIs, database working, etc. The salary packages of Android app developers are higher than those of web developers. The languages you need to learn for Android development are Kotlin, XML, Java, etc. You can learn Flutter to become a more professional Android app developer.Game Development Career:
Did you know? The video game industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The demand for game development is increasing day by day. The salaries in this field are also rising if you have good skills in game development. Your system must have good specifications to develop games, and you must have expertise in a game engine, e.g., Unity, Unreal, etc. Programming language expertise is also a plus when developing games. Actually, your game engine defines your programming language because every game engine uses a different programming language. Even if you do not have any interest in programming, you can still choose this field because it is component-based, and you can choose a component according to your interest. The components are:- Programming
- 3D Modeling
- Sound Design
- Indie
- Concept Art